DECE - Electronics & Communication Engg

Why ECE @ Samskruti:

The Department has a great combination of some of the best teachers and practicing professionals enjoying national and international recognition among its faculty. This excellent team shapes the student community in academic skills over and above scientific and engineering temperament. Students are honed to develop the right attitudinal skills and managerial abilities with in-house training. Over the years the department has been instrumental in moulding high calibre, highly proficient engineering graduates who have created a niche in their individual chosen careers, with well- recognised academic qualifications acknowledged for excellence by industry and academicians both in India and abroad.


“To develop competent technocrats who strives continuously in pursuit of personal excellence in the field of Electronics and communication engineering”


  • To Provide State-of-art technical education in Electronics and communication at undergraduate and post graduate levels.
  • To impart high Quality Technical & Professional education in order to mould the learners into globally competitive professionals who are professionally deft, intellectually adept and socially responsible.
  • To make the learners inculcate and imbibe pragmatic perception and pro-active nature, so as to enable them to acquire a vision for exploration and an insight for advanced inquires.

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